Microsoft Paint Tutorial

     a.  Go to the following Website for a MS Paint tutorial

     b.  Fill in the following table.  Save the table as 'MSPaint Tutorial' in your 'F' drive in a folder named 'Tutorials'.

 Microsoft Paint Project

     Complete both of the following assignments:

    1. Do a Google search for a Snowflake. Copy it into MS Paint using 1 of 2 techniques.  1.  Download, save it to your Personal File (in your F drive) and open it in Microsoft Paint.  2.  Copy and paste the image from the internet into MS Paint.  When you have your snowflake in MS Paint, cut the snowflake in half, using the selection and erase tool. When it is cut in half, use any of the tools to duplicate the half that remains.  If you can’t find a snowflake, try this website. Make sure to include as much detail as possible and match the colours!! Save it as “Snowflake_Yourname” in your F drive in a folder named 'Projects'
    2. Next, find a picture of a famous work of art by Vincent Van Gogh. Recreate it as close as you can without using copy and paste and  using MS Paint. On the bottom of your painting, include at least 3 sentences of text about the artist Vincent Van Gogh. Save it as “VanGogh_Yourname” in your F drive in a folder named 'Projects'

     Check the rubric and exemplar1 and exemplar2 for more information.

     DUE DATE: 

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