Computers 789 Rules

For safety reasons, when using E-mail or the Internet:

1. I will not give out personal information such as my home address, parental information, or school name or location without the permission of my teacher.

2. I will immediately notify my teacher if I come across any information that makes me feel awkward.

3. I will never forward my picture or anything else without first getting my teacher’s approval.

4.  I will use e-mail and the internet to complete assignments ONLY.  ‘Free’ internet use is only granted upon request from the teacher.  ‘Free’ internet use must follow all of the other rules.


The following activities are illegal, and I will not willingly participate in them:

1. Gaining unauthorized access to any place I am not supposed to be.

2. Disrupting any computer system.

3. Contributing to help spread electronic viruses.

4. Engaging in any illegal activity on-line.

I am aware that any on-line correspondence I send is a reflection of my school and myself

1. I will not correspond with anybody outside of Millwoods Christian School.

2. Messages are to be sent with the sole purpose of learning.

3. My messages will be short, courteous, and to the point.

4. I will not use obscene language, engage in personal or discriminatory attacks, or post false or misleading information about individuals or organizations.



I will not access, download, or distribute:

1. Any violent, graphic, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials.

2. Inappropriate information or graphics



I will respect the property in the Computer Lab

1.  No gum, food or drink in the computer lab.

2.  Treating the hardware gently.

3.  Using chairs to sit on, not as transportation.

4.  Log off and tuck in your chairs at the end of class.


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